
Introducing our FORETHOUGHT blog series

[fa icon="calendar"] Aug 18, 2015 1:28:00 PM / by Cory Budovitch

Cory Budovitch


What to expect from our ForeThought Blog and Newsletter Series

With the launch of Budovitch Legacy Planning's new website in 2016, our  sole objective is to share our audiences quality information, new ideas and on occasion, recommendations that might be of interest you. Our sincere objective is to establish a digital conversation with those who see this forum of exchange as an opportunity to learn more about legacy planning, share experiences and establish new relationships amongst social peers.

2016 is going to be exciting opportunity for our clients and partners, for we see significant opportunities on the horizon in the financial industry.  The Budovitch team has been working hard on building a repository of knowledge tools, free resources and subject matter expertise... all of which will be made available to you via our onging ForeThought Blogs and frequent Newsletter Series.

We look forward to this opportunity and appreciate the courtesy of your time to drop by, comment, critique, collaborate and contribute. All the best for 2016! 


The Budovitch Legacy Planning Team




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Cory Budovitch

Written by Cory Budovitch